The Oil for My Canvas — Silence as a Source for Language
How can the unspoken be the start of something full of words?
I‘d like to show you.
For some people, remaining silent is painful; for others, it can be a remedy. As the invisible Siamese twin of language, silence is always present in ourselves, society, religion, science, and the arts. It creates a space where thoughts, feelings, and language can evolve.
In this Language Course, we will explore your experience with silence and your ways to “speak” and interpret it.
Is it a barrier or a mind opener, unknown territory or a dream destination you would like to explore? Have you used it, has it used you or have you faced the silence of others?
Maybe we will transform painful silence into a resourceful state of mind. Maybe you will meet silence for the first time.
Do you have a clear idea of what you’d like — or are you simply interested in getting to know my work and seeing where it takes you?
I‘d like to voyage the wor(l)ds inside.
Welcome, dear passenger! Thank you for connecting with me and for your trust.
What will your journey look like?
Please use the form below to register for your individual session.
- I’ll send you our coaching agreement.
- Once you’ve accepted the agreement, we‘ll take a virtual or written walk to get to know each other.
- I‘ll send you your questionnaire and an invoice.
- Once you‘ve answered the questionnaire and paid, we‘ll schedule our session. We’ll meet online to get closer to the bottom of your own language or silence.
- The day after our online meeting, you will find a detailed summary in your inbox including our insights and tips to dive deeper and keep the flow.
Your investment for a silence course
€170,00 (excl. VAT) (preparation, 60 minutes of coaching and a detailed summary)
We will agree on the price and scope of all follow-up sessions individually.
You can book your session here:
I will handle your data with care. Feel free to read my privacy notice before filling out the contact form.
My email address:
Our preferred language of communication will be:
- English
- German
Your mother tongue(s):
Thank you! That was the first step. You will receive a confirmation email with our coaching agreement. I look forward to meeting you soon.